Facts for Pet Owners About COVID-19

Facts for Pet Owners About COVID-19

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, we wanted to share these three important facts to help you and your pet stay safe and healthy during this challenging time. #1: Rely on reputable sources for current COVID-19 information While you can turn to Facebook for insider...
Learning Your Cat’s Body Language

Learning Your Cat’s Body Language

Cats might seem hard to read at first, but once you know what physical cues to look for, you can start to identify what they’re feeling. We at Island Pet Veterinary Hospital want to share this list of signs so you can learn what your cat is saying through body...
Why Do Cats Need Meat in Their Diet?

Why Do Cats Need Meat in Their Diet?

Unlike dogs, cats have not evolved to be able to handle starchy carbs in their diet. Rather, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must eat meat to survive. You don’t have to throw your kitty a raw steak every night for dinner, but meat products must make up the...
Our Tips for Leash-Training Your Pet

Our Tips for Leash-Training Your Pet

January is National Walk Your Pet Month. Does your four-legged companion have a hard time with walking while on a leash? Check out our tips to help you and your pet have a fun and safe walk!  What should I do if my dog refuses to go where I want them to? Bribery works...